Monday, October 17, 2016


  So what's been going on with little ole Keke? Well for starters, my life has gone through a lot of drastic changes. You know, I have heard many people say that you don't know someone until you have lived with them but in my case ,you don't know someone until you have WORKED for them! So many of you probably know outside of modeling I was working as a personal assistant for someone that I thought had a good heart. But now with everything that has gone on I can now say that some things are just too good to be true. In this instance, things were too good and that was just the beginning. When I was presented with the idea to come work for a 'friend' it pretty much was a no-brainer to me. This was someone I have known a little over a year and who I pretty much a had really good relationship with so, of course, I accepted the offer to come work for them! I was very happy with my decision although there were a lot of inconsistencies. There was always a question on when was pay day or better yet when I would actually receive the money that I worked so hard for. Regardless, though, I still remained loyal because that is what I genuinely wanted to do. I willingly dedicated most of my time to my 'friend's' dream that one on the outside would probably assume that I believed in their dream more than I believed in mine. All in all, though, a simple miscommunication can bring all good things to an end and ultimately expose someone's true colors. You can think that you know someone and that their intentions are good but they are not- which brings me back to my original statement. I didn't know her like I thought UNTIL I worked for her and at the end of the day going our separate ways was the best decision for me. This has been my experience and I have learned my lesson. So now that chapter is closed and now I can focus on more of my goals which include my career in modeling and my blog!!! I am super excited about this blog because I feel it is a better way for me to interact with my true supporters and for you all to get to know me on a personal level. This should have been my main focus from the start but better late than never right? So how about a cheer to moving forward and new beginnings??!! Until next time! -Keke (Follow me on instagram @ Ke.Ke.Mo:)


  1. Yeah I'm a personal assistant and I know what you mean. Things will get better! Love the blog

  2. Hey girl this was really good sorry this happened to you. You genuinely seem like a nice person and people will always try to use that to hurt you but now you just have another tough layer of skin which is always good to have in any case. Much love the Gunn's

  3. Life's lessons huh? Just always remember, "We either WIN or we Learn." Losses don't exist. Keep pushing forward to YOUR own dreams. Of course there will be good and bad days, and you'll even fail a couple of times or two. But that doesn't make you a FAILURE. As long as you continue to Get Back Up....and DO IT again. Wishing you all the success you deserve and MORE!!��

    1. You don't understand how this comment has made my night! It's always good to hear words like this because it motivates me to keep going! Thank you so much!

  4. Good start to your new beginning. Remember that the only person that will always be loyal to you is You! You hold the keys to your own destiny, now a days its hard to tell who is fake and who is real, just stick to the people who hold your best interest at heart

    1. Thank you so much! I most certainly will next time around. #LessonLearned
