Do more. Study less.

February, also known as Black History Month to many, is the month to remind African-Americans of the history and accomplishments those before us achieved but each year I began to become more disappointed. I felt disappointed because the only event that was constantly talked about every Black History Month was slavery! I always thought that Black History Month was supposed to inspire us and make us proud of where we come from but instead each year we were constantly reminded of the pain our ancestors endured in their time. Certain parts of our history I didn't learn about until I was a young adult. For starters, I never knew about the history of Black Wall Street. I was also taught that the Black Panthers were a hate group but what I didn't know was that was far from the truth. The Black Panthers did many good things for the black community like providing jobs, food programs, and monitoring police behavior in black neighborhoods- and these are just a few events to name. On the bright side, there were people around who created history and I was able to witness it all.
Eloise Brown, one of my great-grandmothers may not have been known how Martin Luther King was but she was nothing short of being black and excellent in my eyes. Eloise, or Nana Brown for short, had her hands in all things creative and she kept me inspired. She was a natural-born teacher to those around her. She not only taught English but she also taught Art to Senior Citizens at the Hannan House located in Detroit, Michigan. My Nana Brown was just an all around creator. She created beautiful paintings, she sewed clothes, and she was also an author! Witnessing my great-grandmother and all of her achievements really inspired me. She inspired me to embrace the creativeness that lives inside of me and take matters into my own hands because that is what she did. My great-grandmother didn't wait around for doors to open for her, she created the doorway herself! She worked hard and used her 'god-given' talents to take her wherever she wanted to go- she created her own history.
I feel like every Black History Month we are consistently relying on being taught of what our history is and sometimes what we are being taught is not even the whole truth. It's always good to know your history because knowledge is power but, I don't think that should be the main focus EVERY Black History Month. Members of my family made me realize that we are capable of creating our own history and setting examples for the youth. I noticed we have been conditioned to work towards someone else's dream and creating their legacy instead of creating our own history. Nowadays, we are limited because of all the time we DON'T put into ourselves. We spend so much time studying our dark past, we don't really put too much time into our future. Instead of studying black history, we should be creating black history not only for ourselves but, the future generations! We are indeed, THE FUTURE!
As usual, I would love for you all to chime in and let me know any thoughts and opinions you would like to share! Also, if you feel this is a good read feel free to share with others and if you haven't already subscribe to my blog to keep up with my latest posts!!! -Keke
I'm a photographer in the Little Rock area, if you ever make it this way would be honored to do a shoot with you.. is my email address..
Take care
Thank you! Whenever I blow up more we can make that happen someday! Have a great day!😊